Monday, May 16, 2011

Tummy Rumbles

I envy those who are strong, who never seem to falter in the face of remarkable struggles or illness. I am not one of those people. When I become ill I tend to sleep a lot and my recovery typically takes a day or two longer than the norm. This is annoying to me because I strive to measure up to everyone else and when I am bed bound for longer than the norm I have feelings of inadequacy.

About a week and a half ago I had a stomach virus that in 12 hours time resulted in me being so dehydrated. I had to get two bags of fluids and I needed two shots to stop the vomiting. I couldn’t move without hyperventilating. Luckily, my Master was there to take care of me and he cleaned out my vomit bucket numerous times. I probably would have been stranded on the floor of the bathroom if it wasn’t for him.

I am doing better now, but I have a hiatal hernia that was aggravated by this experience. I can now feel the hernia which I am guessing is a bad thing. I have this constant burning sensation in my throat and my stomach feels tight all the time. I have some anti-acid medicine that I am taking but it doesn’t seem to be helping.

I think I am going to give it another week before I call the GI doctor. I will probably need another upper scope if the symptoms do not subside and possibly surgery to correct the hernia. The last thing I want to have right now is another surgery.

The medical bills side of it doesn’t bother me as much as the endless amount of paperwork to make this happen. I will need to get my FMLA paperwork and possibly my short-term disability paperwork submitted to my employer. Going down to 60% pay when it is nearly summer does not sound like a good time to me.

I am sure my Master and I will make it though this, regardless of what the outcome is. I know he will be there to support me every step of the way and if I do have surgery. I know he will be there to care for and to make sure my mom doesn’t reorganize our house while I am recovering.


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