Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tornado Preparedness

My Master sometimes teases me about my emergency preparedness. I am from Kansas, where tornadoes are common. So my family always had a box of supplies ready to take into the shelter at anytime incase the sirens sounded.

When I first met my Master and he found my “tornado box” he thought I lost my marbles. He had just relocated to Kansas and quickly learnt why we have such things. Today, we live in Oklahoma but the storms still come by from time to time.

Tonight was one of those nights, when we had to be prepared for what might come. So we retreated to our shelter with our kitties and our box of supplies in hand. The sirens sounded for high winds, but no tornadoes were reports in our neighborhood.

Our Supply Box Contains:

Enough Canned food for at least 4 days
Enough water for at least 4 days (1 gallon of water per day per person and throw in an extra half gallon per day for the kitties)
Enough cat food for at least 4 days
A first aid kit
Axe and hammer
1 change of clothes
A written emergency contact list
A radio that runs on batteries
Blankets and pillows
Soap and shampoo
Toothpaste and toothbrush
Maxi Pads
All prescription medication

The reason why I keep a four day supply of food is because in a bad situation that could be home long it takes for relief workers to setup make shift shelters. I sincerely hope I never have a need for my tornado box but it is nice to be prepared.

The whistle, axe, and hammer is for if we become trapped. Emergency workers may have an easier time hearing whistle coming from a pile of rubble. If our door is blocked to get out of the shelter, the axe and hammer may allow us to remove enough debris to escape.

The radio is important not only for during the storm but after the storm as well. It will allow us to find out where the local shelters are being setup at.


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