Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May Update

So everything is going fairly well in my life. My Master and I went on a camping trip over the weekend. It was a lot of fun and I even caught a fish! It was nice to get away from everything and everybody for a weekend. I really needed that break from dealing with the stressors of the world.

My garden is doing well and I am starting to have blooms on a number of my plants. In a couple of more months, we should have some home grown produce which is extremely exciting to me. I also have been working on the weed battle with my front yard and I am happy to say I am winning that battle.

My Master and I have also been going through boxes and sorting stuff to get ready to move. My Master wants to move out of the city and into a more rural area. I am perfectly fine with this because I am from a rural area, so that sort of life is more comforting to me. The city life is a little too fast paced for my liking.

My job is my job. I oftentimes ponder the wisdom of my decision of not wanting to be a house slave. My employer is annoying and they have had a major problem lately over flipping out over nothing. I have a theory that if something in no way affects the customer; it is nothing to flip out about. It is an internal problem that can be dealt with in a cool collected manner. I hope that someday, if I ever am a supervisor, I can use this experience to help me understand the value of remaining calm and working through things with a reasonable level of urgency.

I actually transferred teams at work, because of my co-workers would flip out and start angry ranting over anything. If the call center misspelled a word or if a customer did something silly, a rant would ensue. Her face would turn beat red and she would start pounding her fists on her desk. She really reminded me of my ex minus the actually physical violence. It is nice to be out of that situation.


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