Friday, November 11, 2011

Salad Bliss

I made a meal similar to the one pictured and posted it on my FB page, one of my friends commented asking if I was on a diet. I told her no and I normally eat like this. She then commented about that must be why I am skinny.

I do not consider myself skinny. To me skinny is someone who is underweight and I am not underweight for my height. My Master is very particular about keeping me within a healthy weight range. I also like to try to get my nutrients from the foods that I eat rather than a pill. It doesn’t always work out, but at least I have a goal. The simplest way to describe my diet is a heart healthy diet.

About the salad..

The salad pictured has preseason salmon fillet on it that I got fairly cheap with a coupon. They were decent, but it takes about the same time to bake that salmon fillet as one I seasoned myself. If it wasn’t for the coupon making it cheap, I wouldn’t say it is a good investment.

The lettuce is romaine with chopped up broccoli on it. I used a potato peeler to slice the carrots into little strips on the salad. Then I added shredded cheese and toasted almonds. (I mentioned how to make toasted almonds in an earlier post.)


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