Friday, November 26, 2010


One thing that has always meant a lot to me throughout my relationship with my Master is his ability to be compassionate towards me. He understands when I am ill and supports me emotionally. He is my best friend and he never starts to act like the cliché uber dominant. One of the things I envy about my Master is his ability to listen to the pitfalls of my day and the worries of my life.

Compassion was not one of the traits I was actively looking when I was searching for a Master. At the time, I did not view it as either a needed or dominant trait. I lacked the understanding of why such a trait is important in an M/s relationship.

I can see now how compassion has benefited our relationship and has made it whole. I am allowed to be human and not just a toy. My Master recognizes that I like every other person in the world has needs and some days I am not capable of doing something. His compassion allows him to be understanding of those things without the desire to punish me.

If feel that at least for us compassion adds a sort of stability to our relationship and an understanding that at the end of the day we are both human.


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